Bienvenidos Cuba!

I travelled to Cuba in July of 2023, I stayed in Old Havana (La Habana Vieja) and enjoyed the experience a lot. It was an eye opening trip, and I was glad to meet so many wonderful people.

A view from an apartment, looking Northward towards the Malecon.

I stayed in an old run down building near the capitol building. So many of the buildings are decaying.

Pinar del Rio in the East

Taken from a tourist platform while I was traveling to a tabacco farm. Absolutley beautiful landscape.

Mountains near Pinar del Rio

The mountains out in Pinar de Rio

Flag on the side of a building in Matanzas

You see more flags and propaganda outside of Havana

Cafe in Old Havana

Plenty of cafes still operate in the city center, for tourists and rich locals.

Fabrique Arte de Cubana

An amazing place which operates as part night club, part bar, part dance hall, part music space, part stage, it's a wonderful place to visit - just be sure to check who is on which stage.